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Our work

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One of our favourite parts of doing research is the ability to soak in the natural systems we are studying by conducting field work. Connecting with the outdoor world fuels our sense of wonder and curiosity about our surroundings, and makes us better scientists. 


Have a look through the gallery to explore some of the work we get to do in the field, the cool instruments we get to use, and why collecting these measurements is important.

In the field...

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In the lab...

Once we have collected our specimens for the field, there is more work to do! Check out some of the work going on in the laboratory after we retrieve our samples from the field.


In the community...

It is crucial to make our work accessible to community members, involving them in the conversation to receive their input and learn from their expertise.  


Involving Nunatsiavummiut in our project is our priority, and keeping all lines of communication open at all stages of the research process is crucial. 

Check out some of our outreach initiatives aimed at looping everyone in to take part in this work.

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Around the globe...

Sharing our work with the rest of the world comes second to sharing it with Nunatsiavummiut.

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Check out some opportunities we've had to communicate our work with the global public.

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