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About Sustainable Nunatsiavut Futures


The four areas of focus in this research span the social, ecological, and oceanographic sciences, and are ultimately all related to accomplish informed decision-making while taking into account multiple knowledge systems and scientific inquiry. 

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Mapping of spatial linkages in habitats and the species that use these habitats.

Applying modern statistical tools for predicting ecosystem change that takes full advantage of coordinated monitoring, targeted research to fill key gaps, historical data, and Inuit knowledge.

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Working in a trans-disciplinary framework to actively connect social and natural scientists with each other and with Inuit.

Quantifying spatio-temporal and physico-chemical dynamics of coastal systems in relation to the base of the food web

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Four Research Focuses

Our research focus covers...

With this research, we do not only aim to make advancements in the understanding of climate change in Canada’s North, but also link this research back to Inuit priorities, supporting Inuit-led management. By combining community-led monitoring in the field, laboratory work using a range of oceanographic and ecological equipment, and community outreach initiatives, we aim to answer important questions regarding food security and ice safety, while ensuring Inuit self-determination in the implementation of informed management solutions.

Logo: Department of fisheries and oceans
Logo: Memorial University of Newfoundland


Department of Biology

Memorial University of Newfoundland

St. John's, Canada

Logo: Department of fisheries and oceans logo
Logo: University of Victoria


Department of Biology

University of Victoria

Victoria, Canada

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