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About Sustainable Nunatsiavut Futures

Our four-level research model explores sustainable and inclusive solutions to impacts on marine resource utilization, livelihoods, and food security. We want to ensure that this is done in a way that values knowledge exchange, two-way training, and community engagement, with the same precision and vigor as the excellent science produced. Our scientific model therefore incorporates some necessary extra steps in the scientific process, while ensuring a path towards Inuit self-determination.

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Hover over the figure to get an idea of the methods we use to tackle each level of inquiry 

The four levels of our research model addresses the need to (A) develop empirical understanding of dynamic coastal systems and (B) plan for changes in these dynamics through (C) knowledge sharing and co-production.

At the Pragmatic level we explore what we are capable of doing by learning from the science we conduct - predicting shifts in the distribution of species and habitats, invasive species, and hot and coldspots of biodiversity and ecosystem function.

At the Normative level, we explore what we want to do with this information, developing designs for spatial planning, resource use, fisheries management, and resource monitoring to enhance sustainability of ocean resources and offer insights into adaptive decision-making into the changing future.

The Value level explores how we will do what we would like to do, and how to do this in the most respectful and collaborative way. This will come from evaluations of the process and outcomes of knowledge co-production, involving marine science and Inuit knowledge, science governance, and relationship building.


Our Research Model

The fourth level is the Empirical level, which adds structure to what we have and what we want to ask. Within this level, there are four areas of focus that encapsulate all knowledge production, providing structure to the data and methods required to achieve the objectives of our research model. 

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